

Your Birthday - born 9th, May

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 9th, May ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 9th, May :
May 9 is a good sportsman, plays hard and fair. Not so in the office, where they are often badly afflicted with work rage. You've heard of the road kind? Well these people favour head on collisions, drive roughshod over colleagues, attack other people's ideas and often steal them. What to do? Distance yourself, duck, find another job - or apply for theirs. May 9 often gets so angry he or she start to talk to themselves. You can hear them muttering at their desk, puce in the face as the violent volcano stirs, bubbles, then erupts. They are convinced they are the only one really working and that everybody around them is a knave or a fool. Bosses born today feel that anybody who works for them is inferior, and getting away with something. Because they are paying for somebody else's mortgage, they expect to be crawled to, and indeed get on best with creeps and creatures whose bellies are close to the ground. At home they rant to their spouse, who must develop blind loyalty syndrome, because any contrary suggestion produces monster sulks. The male of the species calms down in environments they aren't used to. Take them to a lingerie department, hand them something silky and ask them to buy it while you pop off to the loo. They go nervously polite. Women are calmed by buying something nice, or gifts of jewels and having babies. Fortunately work rage doesn't affect all May 9 people. Many do have a temper, but usually learn to control it in young adulthood, often with the help of parents who spot the tendency in childhood and stamp on it hard. The upside to this fiery star is their courage. When there is a problem, or someone is in danger. May 9 will be the hero or heroine, showing resourcefulness, reserves of stunning humanity and leading others out of danger. They are tender with small children and make good playmates. Patience is a virtue Possess it if you can Seldom found in woman Never found in man.
Body :

May 9 suffers from stress which means sore throats, fatigue and tired eyes, often from too much computer work. A change of diet can help balance the body which in turn may contribute to control of bad throats and blurry eyes. Have a salad a day, plus raw, steamed or lightly cooked vegetables. Change to camomile tea at work. (Many women magazine editors favour camomile.) Go for one serving offish or poultry every other day instead of red meat. If you are vegetarian, use bean derivatives. Try to include grains in your diet, such as short grain brown rice, millet and basmati rice.
Mind :

When your pulse rate rises, take ten minutes for this simple meditation technique. Close your eyes. Imagine you are on a sandy beach, barefoot in the surf as it froths in and out.

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